BoosterPlus™ Fulvic Acid Organic Nutrient Supplement For Plants Powerful Bio-Stimulants 20Kg (makes 80,000 L / 80 Tons)
BoosterPlus™ Fulvic Acid Organic Nutrient Supplement For Plants Powerful Bio-Stimulants 20Kg (makes 80,000 L / 80 Tons)
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$349.90 AUD
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$349.90 AUD
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BoosterPlus™: Elevating Plant Nutrition Supplement to New Heights
Harness the power of mineral-rich fulvic acid with BoosterPlus™, a cutting-edge product crafted from natural young leonardite. Engineered through a proprietary anti-flocculation technology, BoosterPlus™ stands as a versatile solution enriched with meso and micro nutrients. Unleashing Nature's Potency: Derived from natural young leonardite, BoosterPlus™ taps into the essence of nature's vitality. The unique anti-flocculation technology employed in its processing ensures the preservation of smaller molecular structures, unlocking a myriad of benefits for plant nutrition. Unrivaled Solubility: BoosterPlus™ sets itself apart with exceptional solubility, making it anti-hard water up to 21°dh. Its complete solubility in hard water and acid conditions positions it as a game-changer in soil management. By significantly reducing soil salt concentration, it seamlessly transforms acidic or alkaline soil into a neutral haven for optimal plant development. Key Advantages:- Root Respiration and Formation: BoosterPlus™ propels root respiration and formation, fostering robust plant growth and amplified yields.
- pH Buffering Capacity: Enhancing the pH buffering capacity of the soil, BoosterPlus™ creates a stable environment conducive to plant vitality.
- Photosynthesis and Respiration: The product's influence extends to enhancing photosynthesis and respiration, pivotal processes in plant metabolism.
- Protein and Nucleic Acid Synthesis: By augmenting the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, BoosterPlus™ catalyzes enzyme action, fostering a cascade of positive effects.
- Enzyme Activity and DNA/RNA Impact: Increased enzyme activity positively impacts plant DNA and RNA, contributing to comprehensive plant health.
- Anti-Flocculation and Water Hardness: Serving as an anti-flocculant, BoosterPlus™ mitigates water hardness, ensuring an optimal environment for nutrient absorption.
- Water Exploitation: Contributing to increased water exploitation by plants, BoosterPlus™ maximizes the utilization of this vital resource.
- Fertilizer Absorption: When used in conjunction with urea, phosphate, and micronutrient fertilizers, BoosterPlus™ improves the absorption of fertilizers, amplifying their efficacy.
- Drought Tolerance: BoosterPlus™ enhances drought tolerance, fortifying plants against water scarcity and preventing wilting.
- Pollutant Detoxification: Serving as a detoxifying agent, BoosterPlus™ aids in neutralizing various pollutants, safeguarding plant health.
- Microbial Nourishment: Acting as a rich food source for soil micro-organisms, BoosterPlus™ contributes to the overall vitality of the soil ecosystem.
Product Properties
Embark on a journey of unparalleled plant nutrition with our 100% water-soluble flakes, meticulously designed to redefine the standards of agricultural excellence. These revolutionary flakes boast anti-flocculation and anti-hard water properties, making them ideal for a range of applications, including drip irrigation, foliage spray, hydroponics, and liquid fertilizer. Key Components:- Humic Extract (80%+): The substantial humic extract content in our water-soluble flakes serves as a cornerstone for promoting soil health. This organic component enhances nutrient availability, stimulates microbial activity, and fosters overall soil fertility.
- Fulvic Acid (40%+): With a robust fulvic acid concentration, these flakes unlock the potential of enhanced nutrient absorption and transportation within plants. Fulvic acid acts as a vital conduit for nutrient delivery, ensuring optimal plant health and vigor.
- K2O (Potassium Oxide - 12%+): Potassium is a key player in various physiological processes within plants. Our water-soluble flakes provide a potent source of K2O, contributing to improved stress tolerance, root development, and overall plant resilience.
- Additional Nutrients (N, P2O5, S, Ca, Mg, Zn, B, Se, Mo, Fe, Cu - 3% min): The comprehensive nutrient profile includes nitrogen (N), phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), boron (B), selenium (Se), molybdenum (Mo), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu). This ensures a holistic approach to plant nutrition, addressing diverse elemental requirements.
- Versatile Application: Tailored for various agricultural practices, our water-soluble flakes are adaptable to drip irrigation, foliage spray, hydroponics, and liquid fertilizer systems.
- Anti-Flocculation & Anti-Hard Water: The anti-flocculation feature prevents the aggregation of particles, ensuring uniform dispersion in solution. Additionally, the flakes exhibit resilience in hard water conditions, maintaining their efficacy across different water types.
- Optimized Nutrient Uptake: The synergistic combination of humic extract, fulvic acid, and essential nutrients promotes efficient nutrient uptake by plants, enhancing their growth, development, and overall productivity.
- Soil Health Enhancement: By fostering microbial activity and improving soil structure, these flakes contribute to the creation of a robust soil environment, conducive to plant well-being.